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The Great Ideas: Laozi and How to Harness the Dao

Exploring Great Ideas: Gardening the Soul

Join us for this series of six sessions, led by the award-winning philosopher Scott Samuelson, on the greatest ideas of ancient Greco-Roman and Chinese philosophy for living a flourishing life. Each session will begin with a brief but comprehensive lecture on one great idea and then move into conversation and exploration of it. No preparation or prior knowledge is required. 

Session Six: Laozi on Harnessing the Power of the Dao

Laozi (a.k.a. Lao Tzu) is the founder of Daoism (a.k.a. Taoism), one of the most mysterious and profound of all philosophies. We’ll explore his understanding of the way of all things and how we can tap into it to harness our powers for success in any walk of life.

Scott Samuelson is a prominent professor of philosophy, with writing in the Atlantic, Wall Street Journal, and other major outlets. He is the author of Rome as a Guide to the Good Life, Seven Ways of Looking at Pointless Suffering, and The Deepest Human Life.

No prior knowledge or reading required. This is your chance to get to know the thinkers and ideas.

Register here!

October 26

Session 5: Mencius on Culitivating our Humanity

November 16

I Beauty Just in the Eye of the Beholder?